Tomato 'AAA Sweet Solano'

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip lock 12 - 15 SEEDS

A prolific and beautiful variety developed by Brad Gates.

1. Original Name: AAA Sweet Solano.

2. History: Developed by Brad Gates (California, USA). Solano is a county in the north-west of the central part of California. It is close to the Napa County where Brad Gates’ Wild Boar Farm is located. This variety was discovered in a patch of Yellow Boar (Yellow Stripe) tomatoes and was further stabilized. Offered in the Seed Savers 2011 Yearbook.

3. Plant Specifications: Mid-season when growing in a greenhouse and middle-late when growing outdoors. Indeterminate, tall bush, growing 6.5 feet (200 cm) tall. Thick stem, regular leaf. Regular or double trusses with up to 10 fruits per truss. That is why the clusters look so heavy.

4. Training Instructions: The bush can be trained to one or two main stems. Pruning and staking are recommended.

5. Shape and Weight: Round and smooth fruits. Weight: 3.5-4.6 oz. (100-130 g).

6. Color: Pale green with green stripes at the mature-green stage later turning to yellow with green stripes. When fully ripe, the main background turns orange and golden and green stripes turn light yellow. Bright orange in a cut.

7. Flavor Profile: Sweet and slightly tart. Tomato flavor with a fruity aftertaste. The flesh is meaty and buttery, and the walls are thick.

8. Culinary Use: A universal tomato being a good slicer and a good choice for salads, juices, sauces or canning whole tomatoes.

AAA Sweet Solano has very beautiful bushes and amazing clusters with lots of fruits. It has proved to be a stable variety. However, a British tomato breeder has reported that his plants produced plum-shaped fruits.

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