Tomato 'Bronze Shell'

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip lock 12 - 15 SEEDS

1. Original Name: Bronze Shell. Distributed under the name of Bronza Amarillo Rusty Paste.

2. History: Selected by tomato breeder Marina Kirishchova (Bryansk, Russia) from Amarillo Rusty Paste provided by Dean Slater. Bronza Amarillo Rusty Paste has turned out to be a roma tomato. Due to the instability of this variety, different tomato breeders have grown elongated (pepper-shaped) fruits but the name of the variety has remained unchanged.

We held an inquiry and revealed that several tomato breeders, which have been growing this variety and sharing the seeds with each other, have grown the fruits of the same shape being pepper-like and elongated. The seeds we received were of this type. As a result, we consulted Marina Kirishchova on September 21, 2020 and suggested naming this variety as Bronze Shell. We received an OK from Marina and are now pleased to present this amazing and beautiful variety.

3. Plant Specifications: Mid-season. A good choice for a greenhouse and outdoors. Indeterminate, tall bush, growing up to 6.5 feet (200 cm) tall. Thin stem, regular leaf. Long truss with a lot of stems, 7-15 fruits per truss.

4. Training Instructions: It is preferable to train the bush to two main stems. Staking and pruning are a must.

5. Shape and Weight: Long and smooth pepper-shaped fruits. Weight: 2-3.5 oz. (60-100 g).

6. Color: An unbelievable bright bronze color will come as a surprise to you! Light brown in a cut, with green seed cavities and a tint of light pink.

7. Flavor Profile: Sweet and slightly acidic, with a pleasant tomato flavor. The fruits are meaty with few seeds.

8. Culinary Use: Perfect for fresh salads, unusual sauces, canning whole tomatoes, sun-drying and freezing.

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