Tomato "К25-54"

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Ziplock bag 12 - 15 SEEDS

Selected in Ukraine. A very interesting tomato.

1. Original Name: K25-54, which is currently the working name for this line. The variety will get a proper name in due course.

2. History: Developed by Ukrainian tomato breeder Maxim Gurin. To be further developed by the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing (National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine), village of Selektsionnyi, Merefa, Kharkiv region.

3. Plant Specifications: Mid-season or middle-late depending on weather conditions. A good choice for growing outdoors. Determinate, short bush, growing 1.6-2 feet (50-60 cm) tall. Thick and firm stem. Regular leaf. Regular truss. 5-6 fruits per truss.

4. Training Instructions: There is no need to train K25-54. This is a bush-type variety. But staking is desirable and it is recommended to tie each stem to the horizontal support structure from above. It is also recommended to remove the bottom leaves in due course so that the bush could get a good airflow. Moreover, tied stems will not fall on the ground or be broken. But if you have no time for staking (which takes much time) this variety is also a good choice for growing outdoors using either a mulch or agrotextile.

5. Shape and Weight: Round or slightly oblate. Weight: 2.8-3.5 oz. (80-100 g).

6. Color: Reddish at the mature-green stage and dark red when fully ripe. There are slight strokes or rather 'sprinkles' of anthocyanin on the fruits near the stem end. Anthocyanin may not be present when growing in the shade because this useful substance is fond of the sun. Red in a cut.

7. Flavor Profile: Sweet with an intense tomato flavor. The flesh is firm and sugary.

8. Culinary Use: Perfect for canning whole tomatoes or sun-drying in halves without any juice or seeds. The fruits keep very well! A perfect choice for gardening as it can keep well on the truss without any rot and can keep well for up to one week after harvesting. No cracks on the skin.

K25-54 is an amazing cropper. Firm short and heavy bush. The variety has proven to be stable but anthocyanin may not appear in some cases. Thus, it needs a good site with lots of sun and protection against bad weather. Tomatoes are a flexible plant so they can change their color because of cold nights, intense heat during the daytime, heavy rains or drought.

This is how this plant responds to weather changes. It is recommended to plant these tomatoes somewhere in the middle of your field, to stake the stems and to remove extra leaves so that to provide more sunlight to the fruits.

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