Tomato 'Michael Pollan'

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150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip lock 12 - 15 SEEDS

Striped pear on the brush multiflora. Waterfall fruit!

1. Original title: Michael Pollan. Also can be called Michael Pollan. Was later renamed 'Mint Julep' Mint julep. This is an alcoholic cocktail based on Bourbon, water, crushed ice and fresh mint. But the first name of a grade so established that the new name almost nobody knows.

2. Story: it was stable line which grew from the variety 'Green Zebra' on the farm from Wild Boars Brda gates. (Wild Boar Farms, Brad Gates, California). The variety is named after writer and journalist, Michael Pollan.

3. Characteristics of plant: ripening period is middle. Bush indeterminate, tall, 150-180 cm the Trunk is thick, the sheet is simple. Floral brush complex type multiflora. On the brush can be dozens of colors, or even more than a hundred.

4. How to form: a sort of Michael Pollan it is desirable to 1 barrel! This is important. On hand will be many of the ovaries. And if you want to the fruits good ripe, the Bush should focus our efforts on these brushes. The maximum you can leave 2 of the barrel. But then you have at the end of summer pinched the tip to the fruits of increased weight and gradually matured. Stepchildren to remove. Be sure to tie the barrel, and, if possible, flower brush, until I started fruit. The weight of the fruit brush can bend.

5. The shape and weight of the fetus: cute 'pear', sometimes with 2 faces. The top of the fruit oblong or with a small 'spout'. Weight 50-80 grams.

6. The color of the tomatoes on a yellow background and bottled olive green stripes. In the context of green. Ripeness can be determined by softness of the fruit and color - the yellow color is rich, closer to orange.

7. Palatability: the Michael Pollan variety differs from its 'ancestor', Green Zebra more mild flavor. Sweet, delicate, light, fruity flavor. The structure of the pulp is mixed, oily sand, walls are thick.

8. Use: excellent variety for fresh salads, side dishes, and snacks. Suitable for conservation, drying. Stored well, a few days after collection. The skin is not cracked.

Variety Michael Pollan or Mint Julep released as stable. We tried to grow for 2 years. But, unfortunately, planted in poor sites, which had little care. Although he got some fruits from which seeds are collected. In 2018, we put him the third time, from their seed. That is, he has already gone through 3 generations. This time planted in a good location in a stationary bed. The variety is great! Beautiful, huge brush. Fruits are sweet, fleshy, aromatic. Recommend.

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