Tomato 'Orlinyi Klyuv'

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip lock 12 - 15 SEEDS

1. Original Name: Орлиный клюв, or Orlinyi Klyuv (Eagle’s Beak).

2. History: A very beautiful and delicious variety from Russia, which was selected as early as in 2003. Bred by Siberian tomato breeders Victor Dederko, Tatiana Postnikova and Aleksandr Yabrov. Entered on the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2005.

3. Plant Specifications: Mid-season. Tall bush, indeterminate, growing up to 6 feet (180 cm) tall.

4. Training Instructions: It is recommended to train the bush to one or two main stems, and staking and pruning are a must.

5. Shape and Weight: Very beautiful large slightly ribbed and heart-shaped fruits. Weight: 7-17.6 oz. (200-500 g).

6. Color: Hot pink when fully ripe. The color of the fruits is green when immature, and they have a dark spot near the stem end being a distinctive feature of this variety. The flesh is very meaty, and there are few seeds.

7. Flavor Profile: A very tasty tomato with a bright tomato flavor. The fruits are firm and sugary in a cut.

8. Culinary Use: Perfect both for eating fresh and for canning. The fruits can transport well.

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