Pepper 'Eureka'

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip-lock 12-15 SEEDS

1. Original name: Eureka

2. Sharpness on a scale of 'Scoville': we are not known or not yet identified.

3. History: not known.

4. Characteristics of plant: a shrub of pepper Microscopicly, low, 30-40 cm

5. How to build: do not require formation, but the stems may notnobody to make a stand of logs (or others), as heavy stems spicami can falls to the ground. Peppers grow in tufts, in several pieces.

6. The shape and weight of the fruit: fruits are pods, short, 7-10 cm long, conical tip sastram. Weight of 5-8грамм.

7. Color peppers: in technical ripeness dark blue (anthocyanin).When ripe becomes orange and red.

8. Palatability: the taste is slightly sweet with a bright,peppery flavor. Sharp!

9. Usage: for fresh consumption, sauces, pickling, drying.

Very beautiful, lush bushes with dark green foliage raznocvetnye peppers. Can be planted as a border plant, in pots and tubs.Very productive!

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