Pepper 'Aji White Fantasy'

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150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip-lock 12-15 SEEDS

Pepper spicy 'Aji White Fantasy'

 1. Original name: Aji White Fantasy. Other sources can be called aji Belafonte.

2. Sharpness on a scale of 'Scoville': 100 – 5,000 Scoville units.

3. History: developed a Peter Merle living in the Canary Islands of Spain poberegie. This is the white version of the pepper called Aji Fantasy (yellow),origin of Finland.

4. Characteristics of plant: a shrub of pepper Aji White Fantasy high! To moldstat 100 – 150 cm Stems are thin, leaves are large. On very long stalks hanging fruit as earrings.

5. How to shape: it is desirable to tie to the stake. Reversepath to pepper in a 'cage' to long stems on broke and fell rightsland.

6. The shape and weight of the fruit: the fruit – bells, acentricity.

7. Color peppers: in technical ripeness are pure white. When fully ripe the color of ivory. If you look closely, the skin barely noticeable yellowtails.

8. Palatability: the taste is soft, sweet, the sharpness of volcanica almost not manifested. And only closer to the petiole, walls, partitions IP of the seeds are very sharp. The aroma is reminiscent of citrus, warm.

9. Uses: great pepper to svejesobranna – for those who are afraid are very sharp. Delicious fresh, garachibulag, sauces, pickled, dried.

We were struck by the height of the Bush. Like a mini-tree with concomitanly. Will grow well under agrotextile and in the greenhouse. Then You firstiteration 'monster' with the abundant harvest.

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