Tomato '1884 Purple'

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Sachet Zip lock 12 - 15 SEEDS

Beautiful, large, fragrant and juicy!

1. Original title: 1884 Purple. In other sources called '1884 purple', '1884 Purple', '1884 Purple', and 'Purple Doughnut' (Purple doughnut).

2. History: in 2006, Tatyana Kushnareva, collector of American raised grade '1884', but increased fruit not pink, but purple, violet. According to her, the purple fruit was better than pink. And she called it '1884 Purple' to keep the parent title, but to specify the contrast purple color. But the same purple tomato rose and Jeff Casey (Alberta, Canada). He proposed to call it 'Purple Doughnut'. But Kushnarev earlier gave the seeds in the SSE Yearbook with the title '1884 Purple'. So this is the name and spread.

3. Characteristics of plant: ripening period is middle. For greenhouses and open soil. High Bush, indeterminate, up to 2 meters. The trunk is thick, the sheet is simple. Floral brush simple, down to 3-5 fruits.

4. How to build: a good the crop was in the formation of stem 2. Need pasynkovat and tie.

5. The shape and weight of the fruit: shape flat-round, salad-type, sometimes with a shallow rib near the stalk. Fruit weight of 200-400 grams.

6. The color of the tomato: the color maroon, purple, when fully ripe, purple-brown. Near the petiole is green spot, which when ripe becomes brown-green. In the context of dark crimson.

7. Taste qualities: sweet, sour, tomato flavor with spicy notes. Refreshing. The structure of the flesh is buttery, sweet. Very juicy.

8. Use: excellent variety for fresh, juicy salads, juices, sauces and other preservation for the winter.
The sort of '1884 Purple' proved to be stable and pleased with the large, purple fruits, which taste very good.

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