Tomato "Arbuznyi"

  • Availability: In Stock
150 р.

PACKAGING: Ziplock bag 12 - 15 SEEDS

A rare color resembling a watermelon due to stripes. A sweet jewel for your garden.

1. Original Name: Арбузный, or Arbuznyi (Watermelon). Also known as 'Арбуз черный', or Arbuz Chernyi (Black Watermelon).

2. History: A commercial variety. Developed by tomato breeders S.F. Gavrish, V.V. Morev and Ye.V. Amcheslavskaya. Registered on the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2004 and produced by Gavrish Selection Company. First offered for the Seed Savers 2007 Yearbook by A. Baranovsky (Minsk, Belarus).

3. Plant Specifications: Medium early. A good choice for growing both in a greenhouse and outdoors. Indeterminate, tall bush, growing up to 6.5 feet (200 cm) tall. Dark green regular leaf. Regular truss. The first truss is formed above the eighth or ninth leaf, and subsequent trusses are formed above the leaves being the next but three.

4. Training Instructions: It is recommended to train the bush to one or two main stems. Pruning and staking are a must. It may also be necessary to tie the first trusses.

5. Shape and Weight: Flattened and round fruits. Weight: 7-10.5 oz. (200-300 g).

6. Color: The Arbuznyi variety is of a unique and rare color. The fruits are light green with bright longitudinal dark green stripes resembling those of a watermelon at the mature-green stage. The fruits gain a brown color with dark stripes going from the stem end to the upper part when fully ripe. This color of these tomatoes is explained by anthocyanin present in the fruits.

7. Flavor Profile: Sweet and slightly acidic, a very pleasant taste. Bright and spicy tomato aroma. Very delicious! The flesh is sugary in a cut. Dark red. Meaty and juicy enough.

8. Culinary Use: Ideal for salads. Perfect for tasty salads and other cold dishes. A perfect variety for juices! The fruits do not keep well after harvesting (for up to 3-4 days at the most when fully ripe). The skin is quite thin but it has no cracks.

The Arbuznyi variety is stable and has proved to be an excellent tomato. Very productive so it is necessary to be careful when staking or the tie may be broken! Longitudinal stripes get brighter when there is enough of light. If the light is not enough but the air temperature is very high (95°F or 35°C), these stripes will not be bright.

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