Tomatoes 'Piennolo del Vesuvio rosso'

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150 р.

The variety that can be jerked just collecting brush and hanging in a secure location.

1. Original title: Piennolo Del Vesuvio Roso. Or Pomodorino Vesuviano, Piennolo del Vesuvio red.

2. History: grown in Naples under mount Vesuvius, in Italy. Valuable tomato has a protective status of the PDO.
The ancient practice of preserving osoveisky of tomatoes is called 'al piennolo'. When the brush is ripe 70% of fruits, hand cut and tied on a few pieces. Hung in well-ventilated areas. The fruit can keep for a long time. The taste only improves.

3. Characteristics of plant:
a medium-term maturity for open ground and greenhouses for the mid. Bush indeterminate, high, up to 200 cm. the Stem is thin but strong. Leaf simple, rarely is, often in the heat sheet plate curl. Floral brush easy hanging. Tied in the wrist of 7-8 fruits.

4. How to create:
after the first brush you can leave 3-4 of the stem.

5. The shape and weight of the fruit: elongated 'pear' with 2 faces, with a sharp tip at the top. Weight is 15-25 grams.

6. The color of tomato: red with a green 'crown' near the stalk. When fully ripe, bright red.

7. Taste qualities: sweet, sour, tomato flavor. After storage, the flavor intensifies, becoming brighter. The structure of the pulp dense.

8. Usage: for fresh consumption and storage. Stored for a long time after harvest. The skin does not crack. Suitable for conservation. Also for drying and freezing. Italians love to cook different, tasty sauces.

Grade Piennolo Del Vesuvio Roso old, stable, and very popular in Italian cuisine the tomato. Rare.

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